See I've known terror for quite some timebeautiful song by Outlandish. love the lyrics :)
57 years so cruel
Terror breathes the air I breathe
It's the checkpoint on my way to school
Terror is the robbery of my land
And the torture of my mother
The imprisonment of my innocent father
The bullet in my baby brother
The bulldozers and the tanks
The gases and the guns
The bombs that fall outside my door
All due to your funds
You blame me for defending myself
Against the ways of my enemies
I'm terrorized in my own land (what)
And I'm the terrorist?
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Outlandish - Look Into My Eyes
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Ramadhan kembali..
Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan 1427H.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah: Raja bukanlah monumen hiasan kaku, tanpa nyawa, tanpa jiwa..

Saya tertarik membacakan teks ucapan Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah bertajuk 'Kecemerlangan institusi beraja' di Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, sempena sambutan hari keputeraan Sultan Brunei Darussalam yang ke-60, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, yang banyak menyentuh tentang sejarah institusi beraja dan mengupas faktor, punca dan kesan daripada jatuh bangunnya sesebuah kerajaan beraja di serata dunia.
Pada hemat saya, faktor-faktor kejatuhan kerajaan-kerajaan beraja, atau runtuhnya institusi beraja akibat revolusi rakyat dan sebagainya di negara-negara lain di serata dunia tidak harus dijadikan kayu ukur atau dibuat perbandingan dalam menentukan hala tuju sistem beraja Melayu Islam di Malaysia yang setakat ini masih kukuh diterima rakyat dalam mendepani cabaran dunia masa depan.
Berikut antara beberapa petikan ucapan baginda;
"..Dua peperangan dunia mengubah landskap politik dunia. Dua peperangan dunia menyaksikan perubahan imbangan kuasa dunia. Dua peperangan dunia menyaksikan kemusnahan, menyaksikan pertambahan perbelanjaan ketenteraan, menyaksikan kebangkitan semangat nasionalisme, menyaksikan kemunculan ideologi baru dan menyaksikan kelahiran rupa bentuk pemerintahan dan kerajaan baru. Lalu berlaku transformasi politik membentuk persekitaran politik yang berbeza. Abad kedua puluh menyaksikan kebangkitan gerakan nasionalisme dan corak pemerintahan berlandaskan perlembagaan. Berlakulah evolusi dalam pemerintahan beraja.
Raja-Raja di Eropah yang peka, memahami dinamik yang berlaku berikutan gerakan politik rakyat berpaksikan masyarakat industri dan masyarakat kota. Raja yang sebelumnya dianggap Dewata mewakili tuhan memerintah hamba-hamba di bumi, bertukar peranan sebagai pembela kepada kebajikan dan kebaikan warga di sesebuah negara bangsa. Raja-Raja tersebut berjaya melakukan pengubahsuaian, lantas takhta dapat dikekalkan. Malah dengan kemunculan gerakan politik berparti, Raja yang berada di atas politik, diiktiraf sebaik hakim, memenuhi fungsi sumber keadilan, berupaya mendamaikan persengketaan di antara puak-puak yang bertelingkah; konsep ini menjadi perintis - menjadi asas kepada doktrin pemisahan dan perkongsian kuasa antara Raja dan rakyat di era pasca Perang Dunia Pertama dan Perang Dunia Kedua.
Nicholas II, Raja (Tsar) Rusia terakhir adalah antara pengajaran memperlihatkan kelemahan seorang watak yang gagal memenuhi tanggung jawab berat sebuah institusi. Sepanjang tempoh pemerintahan Baginda, Nicholas dibatasi dan dikelilingi dengan pengaruh orang-orang yang Baginda senangi sama ada pemimpin agama, Permaisuri dan Paderi kesayangan Permaisuri bernama Rasputin. Pegawai-pegawai berwibawa tidak disenangi dan gagal mendapat kepercayaan Baginda. Akhirnya Baginda terperangkap dengan kepalsuan dan tidak berpeluang memahami realiti. Berakhirlah Pemerintahan Baginda apabila terputusnya sokongan rakyat.
Di Asia, sistem Maharaja di Cina berakhir berikutan revolusi 1912. Dalam tahun 1948, pemerintahan berteraskan demokrasi berparlimen menggantikan 'Britisih Raj' di India. Indonesia memilih sistem Republik. Namun ikatan emosi terhadap Raja masih berakar di hati rakyat, terutama mereka yang berketurunan Jawa, dengan pegangan mistisisme, menghargai konsep 'Ratu Adil'. Langit Jakarta berawan mendung, bumi Jawa gerimis hiba, menerima berita kemangkatan Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX di Washington pada bulan Oktober 1988. Seratus lima puluh ribu ratus (150,000) rakyat memberi penghormatan terakhir dalam tempoh enam belas (16) jam jenazah Baginda ditempatkan di Kraton. Meski Indonesia adalah sebuah republik, Baginda diiktiraf wira negara; Baginda dirujuk sebagai 'Raja Kita'.Raja Bhumibol Adulyadej di Thailand, secara bijaksana lagi teliti berupaya mendapat sokongan rakyat dengan mendampingi para petani, mahasiswa dan siswazah; mencerminkan imej seorang Raja yang mengambil berat akan tanggung jawab sosial, bersifat patriotik kepada negara bangsanya serta menjalin hubungan erat dengan agama. Raja Bhumibol secara bijaksana telah mengolah dan memberi makna akan fungsi takhta dalam sistem Raja Berperlembagaan. Bahawa Raja dan rakyat disatukan. Raja melambangkan kedaulatan sebuah negara bangsa merdeka, memperlihatkan pendirian yang mendukung prinsip demokrasi dan memihak kepada pemerintahan sivil. Semalam berlaku satu lagi rampasan kuasa di Thailand. Dalam 'intermission' sesuatu babak di panggung pemerintahan, ketika tirai dilabuhkan, Raja Bhumipol berasaskan rekod, sentiasa berada di 'center stage' mempengaruhi arah haluan babak selanjutnya.
Jika Kerajaan beraja lenyap di Vietnam - lenyap Laos, terperangkap dalam pertelagahan kepentingan antara wibawa Raja, kuasa kolonial Peranchis, kebangkitan nasionalisme dan ideologi komunis, tetapi Kampuchea meskipun jatuh ke tangan komunis, memberi nafas kepada sistem beraja untuk memberi kesahihan kepada kerajaan Hun Sen; karisma dan kebijaksanaan Putera Sihanouk, berpengaruh menyesuaikan peranan Raja mengharungi konflik semasa, walaupun Baginda berulang kali pula gagal menentukan arah haluan secara konsisten. Namun legasi yang ditinggal, membuatkan rakyat Kampuchea menghargai sistem pemerintahan beraja, kerana itu institusi Raja Berperlembagaan diwujudkan pada tahun 1993.
Sistem Raja Berperlembagaan perlu ditafsir sebagai perkongsian kuasa antara Raja dan rakyat. Raja menjadi sumber rujukan ketika berlakunya krisis di kalangan rakyat. Raja memastikan bahawa berlakunya secara adil mekanisme semak dan imbang antara cabang-cabang perundangan, eksekutif dan kehakiman; sekali gus memperkukuhkan institusi demokrasi di dalam negara. Secara umum Raja bertindak berasaskan nasihat pimpinan kerajaan pilihan rakyat. Namun Raja tidak harus sama sekali merasakan tertekan dan tidak semestinya memberi perkenan, jika nasihat yang disembahkan bercanggah dengan semangat perlembagaan, bertentangan dengan keluhuran undang-undang serta melanggar prinsip keadilan sejagat. Raja sama sekali tidak boleh memihak kepada perbuatan yang tidak melambangkan keadilan atau merestui tindakan yang tidak mencerminkan kebenaran.Raja-Raja di alam Melayu mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan Islam. Islam mempengaruhi dan mengubah corak pemerintahan, beralih dari pemerintahan berpaksikan individu kepada pemerintahan berpaksikan undang-undang. Undang-undang Melaka menjelaskan bahawa martabat tinggi seseorang Sultan, dinilai dari sudut amal makruf Baginda menyempurnakan tanggung jawab. Terkandung dalam Kanun bahawa seseorang Raja perlu mengamalkan sifat-sifat perkasa lagi tegas, adil lagi saksama, pengampun dan belas kasihan. Sifat mengampuni dan belas kasihan adalah antara sifat yang diutamakan di dalam Islam. Allah itu Maha Pemurah - Maha Mengasihani, seperti yang terkandung dalam kalimah 'Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim', diulang sebanyak seratus empat belas (114) kali di dalam Al-Quran, mendahului permulaan setiap surah melainkan surat 'At -Taubah'; kalimah 'Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim' diulang dua kali dalam surah 'An-Namli'.Islam telah membawa Raja Melayu kepada konsep murni, muafakat dan adil. Konsep adil dapat ditafsirkan sebagai menepati semangat perjanjian antara Demang Lebar Daun dengan Sang Sapurba yang dijadikan 'magna carta' Melayu bertuankan Raja bersandarkan konsep keadilan yang dibayangkan dengan kata-kata 'Raja Adil - Raja disembah'."
Teks penuh ucapan Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah dalam ucapan baginda bertajuk 'Kecemerlangan institusi beraja' di Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, sempena sambutan hari keputeraan Sultan Brunei Darussalam yang ke-60, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. [berita lanjut]
InsyaAllah, jika panjang umur dan tatacara giliran pelantikan Yang diPertuan Agong mengikut seperti sedia ada, Raja Dr. Nazrin akan ditabalkan menjadi Yang diPertuan Agong yang ke-18 pada tahun 2020.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
CNN Founder, Ted Turner says Iraq war among history's 'dumbest'
Turner called it a 'joke' that Bush demanded that Iran abandon any ambitions for nuclear weapons while at the same time hoping to ban all such bombs..
"They're a sovereign state," he said of Iran. "We have 28 000. Why can't they have 10? We don't say anything about Israel - They've got 100 of them approximately - or India, Pakistan or Russia. - Reuters.
"They're a sovereign state," he said of Iran. "We have 28 000. Why can't they have 10? We don't say anything about Israel - They've got 100 of them approximately - or India, Pakistan or Russia. - Reuters.
Friday, September 15, 2006
"He's not civilised, he shouldn't be talking about civilising others." - Dr. Mahathir on George Bush
No such thing as a moderate Muslim - ex-Malaysian PMBy Michael Steen
ASTANA (Reuters) - There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim and U.S. President George W. Bush is mistaken in casting his war on terror in terms of a "struggle for civilisation", Malaysia's outspoken former prime minister says.
Mahathir Mohamad, who ruled Malaysia for 22 years and is known for his frequent barbs against what he has called Western double standards, said he believed even the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States were at root linked to Israel's occupation of Palestinian land.
"What is happening today has got nothing to do with religion. It has got to do with territorial disputes, mainly the dispute over Palestinian land," he told Reuters after a religious congress in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan.
He said Bush's description of America's "war on terror" as "a struggle for civilisation" on the fifth anniversary of the attacks was flawed, as was the West's hope that moderate Muslims would have a dominant voice.
"There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim," he said. "We are fundamentalists in Malaysia. We follow the true teachings of the religion and the true teachings do not teach us to bomb and kill people without reason."
On Bush's comments, Mahathir, 81, said: "He's not civilised, he shouldn't be talking about civilising others."
Although most of the men who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks were Saudis, Mahathir - whom Israel has in the past dubbed anti-Semitic - said he saw the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands as the root cause of Islamist extremism.
"They (the hijackers) had no direct link but there is a great deal of sympathy for the sufferings of the people of Palestine," he said.
"Maybe that is because they are co-religionists but it is not because their religion urges them to do so. The West tends to blame religion, they blame Islam for whatever happens and associate Islam with terrorism," he said.
He said he believed dubbing a fight against Islamic extremism as a struggle for civilisation risked becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
"(Muslims) are without arms, they are weak and they are pushed into a corner. If you are pushed into a corner and the only thing you can do is bite, you bite," he said.
The tactics used by the United States and allies such as Britain were an attempt to "out-terrorise the terrorists" and would therefore fail, Mahathir said.
"Saddam Hussein terrorised his people, he killed many people. But how many did he kill compared to the numbers the Americans have caused to be killed?" he asked.
"They have opened a Pandora's Box and you have a civil war."
Mahathir provoked controversy throughout his long career. In 2003 he said Jews ruled the world by proxy, prompting condemnation from Israel and Western countries.
The jailing of his former deputy Anwar Ibrahim in 1998 on sodomy charges that Anwar said were trumped up caused many western democracies to shun Mahathir.
But he has also been widely hailed as the architect of modern Malaysia and a strong voice among Muslim and developing countries.
"When you target Muslim countries, other Muslims get angry and they try to retaliate the only way they can, by bombing or maybe attempts to blow up aircraft and so you think that these Muslims are really bad," Mahathir said.
"But think first what you have done to them and then you will realise that if you were in their position you would do the same thing."
ASTANA (Reuters) - There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim and U.S. President George W. Bush is mistaken in casting his war on terror in terms of a "struggle for civilisation", Malaysia's outspoken former prime minister says.
Mahathir Mohamad, who ruled Malaysia for 22 years and is known for his frequent barbs against what he has called Western double standards, said he believed even the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States were at root linked to Israel's occupation of Palestinian land.
"What is happening today has got nothing to do with religion. It has got to do with territorial disputes, mainly the dispute over Palestinian land," he told Reuters after a religious congress in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan.
He said Bush's description of America's "war on terror" as "a struggle for civilisation" on the fifth anniversary of the attacks was flawed, as was the West's hope that moderate Muslims would have a dominant voice.
"There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim," he said. "We are fundamentalists in Malaysia. We follow the true teachings of the religion and the true teachings do not teach us to bomb and kill people without reason."
On Bush's comments, Mahathir, 81, said: "He's not civilised, he shouldn't be talking about civilising others."
Although most of the men who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks were Saudis, Mahathir - whom Israel has in the past dubbed anti-Semitic - said he saw the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands as the root cause of Islamist extremism.
"They (the hijackers) had no direct link but there is a great deal of sympathy for the sufferings of the people of Palestine," he said.
"Maybe that is because they are co-religionists but it is not because their religion urges them to do so. The West tends to blame religion, they blame Islam for whatever happens and associate Islam with terrorism," he said.
He said he believed dubbing a fight against Islamic extremism as a struggle for civilisation risked becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
"(Muslims) are without arms, they are weak and they are pushed into a corner. If you are pushed into a corner and the only thing you can do is bite, you bite," he said.
The tactics used by the United States and allies such as Britain were an attempt to "out-terrorise the terrorists" and would therefore fail, Mahathir said.
"Saddam Hussein terrorised his people, he killed many people. But how many did he kill compared to the numbers the Americans have caused to be killed?" he asked.
"They have opened a Pandora's Box and you have a civil war."
Mahathir provoked controversy throughout his long career. In 2003 he said Jews ruled the world by proxy, prompting condemnation from Israel and Western countries.
The jailing of his former deputy Anwar Ibrahim in 1998 on sodomy charges that Anwar said were trumped up caused many western democracies to shun Mahathir.
But he has also been widely hailed as the architect of modern Malaysia and a strong voice among Muslim and developing countries.
"When you target Muslim countries, other Muslims get angry and they try to retaliate the only way they can, by bombing or maybe attempts to blow up aircraft and so you think that these Muslims are really bad," Mahathir said.
"But think first what you have done to them and then you will realise that if you were in their position you would do the same thing."
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